Doc Schneider leaving UMass

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Doc Schneider leaving UMass

Post by econalum » Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:28 am

Just received this email....a change in career directions for Doc. We'll miss him.

" I hope you are enjoying your summer! A few days ago, I spoke with the coaching staff and now I am writing to inform you of my decision to alter my career path. Over my 16 seasons at UMass (4 as a player, 12 as a coach), I have had the opportunity to create countless long-lasting relationships that have and will forever change my life. My pursuit of a new career has nothing to do with a shift in my love for UMass and our program. It has everything to do with a shift in my priorities since becoming a father. This pandemic has and will affect everyone’s life in different ways. The experience of my time at home with my wife and kids sincerely opened my eyes to the lifestyle and level of autonomy I want as a husband, father and provider.

Recently, I have been offered opportunities outside of coaching that could allow me to create the lifestyle that I want for my family and I. I will be making decisions about those opportunities in the upcoming weeks. I am being as transparent as possible because I want everyone to know how amazing this chapter in my life has been. I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for the incredible relationships I have created with current and former players, teammates, alumni and friends of the program.

I have given everything I possibly could to this program over the past 16 years and hope you feel the same. My family and I plan to stay in the area for the time being and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Golf Outing, Team Banquet and games this Spring. The Laxbacker group is what sets this program apart from others. I am excited to join you as we help the program continue its tradition of excellence on and off the field.

I have had the opportunity to work with some great coaches here at UMass. Over the past 7 years working alongside Craig McDonald has been a blessing. He is one of my best friends, someone who sets the bar in terms of work ethic, passion and love for this program. He epitomizes what this program is about and is a Gorilla through and through. Lastly, there aren’t many words I can find to articulate how fortunate and privileged I feel to play for and work with Coach Cannella. In life you have your hero, someone you are constantly looking up to and following to become the best version of yourself. For me, that man is Coach and I feel so lucky to have played and worked with him for half of my life.

I plan on keeping the same cell phone number and will have access to this email until August 13th. Please update my email in your contacts to [email protected] Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to speak further. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Go Gorillas!

Doc Schneider"
Feeling entitled is JUST a feeling...

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Re: Doc Schneider leaving UMass

Post by m626t » Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:03 am

Completely understandable for him to want to begin building a strong financial future for his family. He has already given much to the Lax program. Best of luck to him.
All due respect, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, I'm gonna pass.

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New Assistant Coach

Post by 69MG » Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:07 am

I'll put this here instead of starting a new thread. Not exactly a replacement for Doc, but looks like a good hire:
AMHERST, Mass. – University of Massachusetts men's lacrosse has added former standout attack Kyle Smith '14 to its staff as an assistant coach, head coach Greg Cannella announced on Wednesday. Smith returns to his alma mater following a seven-year stint with Merrimack men's lacrosse, where he helped the Warriors to two national titles at the Division II level.

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